Ali Cafer Gurbuz, PhD Home Research Publications Teaching IMPRESS Lab Group



Project Title: Collaborative Research: SWIFT: LARGE: AI-Enabled Spectrum Coexistence between Active Communications and Passive Radio Services: Fundamentals, Testbed and Data
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Role: Co-PI
  • Dr. Vuk Marojevic (PI-MSU)
  • Dr. Ali C. Gurbuz (MSU)
  • Dr. Mehmet Kurum (MSU)
  • Dr. Nick Mastronarde (UB)
  • Dr. Fatemeh Afghah (NAU)
  • Project Summary: Swift Summary at NSF

    Project Title: CPS: Small: Collaborative Research: RF Sensing for Sign Language Driven Smart Environments
    Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • Dr. Ali C. Gurbuz (MSU)
  • Dr. Sevgi Z. Gurbuz (UA)
  • Dr. Darrin Griffin (UA)
  • Dr. Evie Malaia (UA)
  • Dr. Chris Crawford (UA)
  • Project Webpage:


    Project Title: UAS-based site characterization
    Sponsor: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • Ali C. Gurbuz (MSU)
  • Mehmet Kurum (MSU)
  • John Ball (MSU)
  • Pat Donohoe (MSU)
  • .

    Project Title: Ground Vehicle Mobility Research: Multi-Sensor Analytics and Sensor Fusion for Cross-Country Mobility Assessment
    Sponsor: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • Ali C. Gurbuz (MSU)
  • Mehmet Kurum (MSU)
  • John Ball (MSU)
  • George Mason (MSU)
  • .

    Project Title: Advancement of UAS/UAV Application Systems
    Sponsor: USDA Agricultural Research Service(USDA-ARS)
    Role: Investigator
  • Robert Moorhead (PI, MSU)
  • Mehmet Kurum (MSU)
  • Joby Czarnecki (MSU)
  • Sathishkumar Samiappan(MSU)
  • Ali Cafer Gurbuz (MSU)
  • Bo Tang (MSU)
  • .

    Project Title: Advanced Modeling and Simulation of Multi-Physics Material Response in Geoenvironments -Topic 6: Remote Sensing and Sensor Fusion
    Sponsor: U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research Development Engineering Center
    Role: Investigator
  • Mehmet Kurum (PI, MSU)
  • John Ball (MSU)
  • Pat Donohoe (MSU)
  • Jenny Du (MSU)
  • Ali C. Gurbuz (MSU)

  • Completed Projects:

    • Role: Investigator (I), “Robust EW Proc and UAV Multi-Agent Coordination”, Clarkson Aerospace /AFRL, with J. Ball (PI,MSU), Duration: Oct,1 2018- Jan 2019

    • Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “Compressive sensing based solutions for off the grid target problem”, Sponsor: Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) Scientific and Technological Research Projects Funding Program 1001 Grant No 113E515, Duration: 2014-2016, Budget: 182,020 TL (Turkish Liras), - Share 100%

    • Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “Compressive Data Acquisition and Processing Techniques for Sensing Applications,” Sponsor: EU Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant, Agreement No PIRG04-GA-2008-239506, Duration: 2010-2013, Budget: 75,000€ (Euro), - Share 100%

    • Role: Co-PI, Title: “Automatic Target Classification Algorithms,” Sponsor: ASELSAN Company, Duration: 2014-2016, Budget: 135,000 TL (Turkish Liras), with S. Gurbuz (PI), - Share 50%

    • Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “Compressive Sensing Based Energy Efficient Communications for Wireless Sensor Networks”, Sponsor: Turkish Telecom Company, Budget: 60,000 TL (Turkish Liras), Duration: 2013-2014, - Share 100%

    • Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “SAR Imaging using convex optimization techniques”, Sponsor: ASELSAN Company, Budget: 70,000 TL (Turkish Liras), Duration: 2014-2015, - Share 100%

    • Role: Principal Investigator (PI), Title: “Compressive Remote Sensing and Imaging,” Sponsor: Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council (TUBITAK) Career Grant No. 109E280, Duration: 2010 – 2013, Budget: 90,173 TL (Turkish Liras) – Share 100%